15 most useful tips for writing engaging Instagram captions for your business

How to write captions for business account.

An effective Instagram caption has the ability to catch the attention of users and, as they spend more time reading and engaging with your post, it improves your post’s ranking within the Instagram algorithm. So, investing effort in creating an engaging caption that captures users’ interest is key to boosting your post’s visibility and performance […]

Dual Camera Feature for Instagram’s Stories and Reels

Instagram's Dual Camera

Presently, upon launching the Instagram app to create a Stories video, you have the option to simultaneously utilize both the front and back cameras of your phone. This allows you to record a video from two different perspectives! The latest addition, the Dual Camera functionality, enables users to capture content using their rear-facing camera while […]

All about Instagram grid pinning + 4 important tips

instagram grid pinning

As you are aware, Instagram offers the option to pin your preferred stories to your profile, ensuring they are instantly visible to anyone who visits. In a similar vein, Instagram enables you to pin up to three posts (which can include static photos, videos, or reels) at the uppermost section of your profile. This ensures […]

Instagram Reels templates: Easiest choice for creators

Instagram Reels templates

Reel templates make it simple to craft a reel by utilizing elements from a reel you like. You can simply insert your own videos and photos to streamline the process and add your unique creative touch to the reel. Of course, this feature cannot be accessed on computers, though it is accessible on Android and […]

How to set up Instagram dynamic profile picture and avatar

adding Instagram dynamic profile picture

Instagram now offers a new feature called dynamic profile picture, enabling users to effortlessly switch between their regular profile picture and an animated version of their Instagram Avatar that can wave. Instagram promotes this feature as a captivating means to personalize and distinguish your profile from others. We will guide you through the process of […]

Everything about Instagram quiet mode

Instagram quiet mode

Instagram introduced a new feature called Quiet Mode that helps users manage their activity and notifications. When enabled, Quiet Mode updates your activity status, prevents notifications, and sends an automatic reply to direct messages. This feature is currently accessible to Instagram users in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Meta, the parent […]

How to create Instagram broadcast channels + useful tactics for driving better engagement


Content creators have the ability to initiate a Broadcast Channel within their Instagram inbox. After sending an initial message, the followers will receive a single notification inviting them to join the channel. If they decide to join, they will receive subsequent push notifications whenever the host makes a new post. These channels can be prioritized […]

5 easiest ways to read Instagram messages without being seen

Easiest ways to read Instagram messages without being seen

Ever wanted to look at Instagram messages being seen? I bet you have! When you open a message on Instagram, that sneaky little “Seen” mark appears, giving you away. But fear not! We’ve got some solutions for you. Unlike WhatsApp, this platform doesn’t give you the option to conceal read receipts. However, don’t worry! We’ve […]

How to regain access to a disabled Instagram account?

Restore access to your Instagram account

In order to regain access to a disabled Instagram account, it is necessary to submit an appeal directly to Instagram and hope for their understanding and leniency. For a hacked Instagram account, there are a couple of options to try and reclaim access. You can attempt to receive a verification code on your phone to […]

Cross-app messaging made simple

Instagram and Facebook cross-app messaging feature

Facebook and Instagram cross-app messaging feature enables users to find and communicate with their contacts on either platform. This means that with cross-app messaging, you can now easily search for others and send them messages, engage in video chats, or share posts with people who are using either Instagram or Facebook. Managing Instagram DMs and […]